Monday, October 24, 2005

Today I saw a little squirrel. I guess it just didn’t have sense enough to be scared of me. I walked right up to it.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Today I saw my dog climb a tree. No fooling.’ It was amazing. Then he ran in big figure eights around the golf course. Such joy. Just being himself.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Today I saw a small sparrow flying around in my apartment. I had left the patio door open. Rowan was so intent on catching it. Fortunately it flew over to me before he had a chance to get to it and I put it back outside. That’s something you don’t see everyday.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Today I saw these pretty yellow butterflies flying -- dancing -- around a bush. I don’t know what was remarkable about it but as I consider ending my day, I am most thankful for that little ballet, the ballet of being, of beauty existing unseen and unknown. -- Nietzsche used to say that art should be a surprise… Or, maybe this is JP Sartre… It doesn’t matter. Art should be a surprise, as if you come upon it in a forest. In other words, art is not to be seen. It exists apart from the viewer. But it is available to those with eyes to see. Art may not always be a confined to a frame. Sometimes it’s butterflies.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Today I saw Jesus.

He's been showing up a lot lately.